Sunday, February 20, 2011

Our Kitchen Mascot and Some Walking Fun

We have a kitchen mascot, indeed we do. His name is Charlie. He is the biggest, fattest betta fish that we have ever owned. I have owned about 5 betta fish. And L has worked at a pet store ... with thousands.

Wanna know how he got so big? We feed him cichlid pellets. He goes *wild* each time they hit the water. He lurks for them looking like JAWS (betta style). If you walk by his heart-shaped bowl that's on the counter in the kitchen, he follows you with is body .. and then with his little silver eyes. He's not a picky, unhappy betta who eats once a month. He'd eat once a minute if we'd let him.

Lunch was a salad with hummus, egg, and carrot. Hmm. :)  I also biked for 40 minutes, and it felt so good!

I invited my mom and my nan to dinner for buffalo burgers tonight. L and I went to the store to grab the burgers and then took the puppers for a walk!

Playin' with the leash! So cute!

And the burgers are thawing!

I can't wait for dinner tonight - I love burgers!

~ M

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