A Few Useful (and Some Useless) Facts:
What's your real name?
Ah, just call me M for now! :)
Can I contact you?
Not currently. I may open an email up at some point, but right now I'm just blogging for my benefit. If you'd like to say something, just post a comment!
Where do I live?
I'd rather not say specifically, but I live in Texas!
Why are you choosing to be semi-anonymous? Wouldn't it be better to show the world who you are for the benefit of all mentally ill people and eating disordered people?
Right now I choose to be a little mysterious. Someday I might give out more info, but I also have to think of my family - some of them would not understand what I am doing here due to various issues that we have, and if I am a little anonymous, it's easier on everyone. I have to think of my real life relationships first and foremost. I'd love to be "Here I Am, World ... It's ME *insert full name here* but right now, it's not totally wise. But my picture is on here so ...
What do you do for a living?
I'd rather not say - again, I'd rather just be a little anonymous right now.
What kind of dogs do you have?
I can tell you about that! I have a shih tzu and a great dane!
Do you have a college degree?
That's a loooooong story. I have 7ish years of college behind my belt but not a degree. During that time I went home once for a semester, I was hospitalized 3 times, and I was placed in the psych ward twice ... it's hard to get a degree when you're going crazy half of the time. I wasn't diagnosed with bipolar disorder until I was 22 ... and I wasn't on a medication that worked for me until about half a year ago. But the great thing about being in school for 7 years? I've learned a TON.
How tall are you?
Do you wear Vibrams?
Why yes, I do! They are perfect for my Schwinn. That's why I put pictures of them up all of the time. I wear the Sprint currently but am thinking of grabbing an original pair soon!

What's your real name?
Ah, just call me M for now! :)
Can I contact you?
Not currently. I may open an email up at some point, but right now I'm just blogging for my benefit. If you'd like to say something, just post a comment!
Where do I live?
I'd rather not say specifically, but I live in Texas!
Why are you choosing to be semi-anonymous? Wouldn't it be better to show the world who you are for the benefit of all mentally ill people and eating disordered people?
Right now I choose to be a little mysterious. Someday I might give out more info, but I also have to think of my family - some of them would not understand what I am doing here due to various issues that we have, and if I am a little anonymous, it's easier on everyone. I have to think of my real life relationships first and foremost. I'd love to be "Here I Am, World ... It's ME *insert full name here* but right now, it's not totally wise. But my picture is on here so ...
What do you do for a living?
I'd rather not say - again, I'd rather just be a little anonymous right now.
What kind of dogs do you have?
I can tell you about that! I have a shih tzu and a great dane!
Do you have a college degree?
That's a loooooong story. I have 7ish years of college behind my belt but not a degree. During that time I went home once for a semester, I was hospitalized 3 times, and I was placed in the psych ward twice ... it's hard to get a degree when you're going crazy half of the time. I wasn't diagnosed with bipolar disorder until I was 22 ... and I wasn't on a medication that worked for me until about half a year ago. But the great thing about being in school for 7 years? I've learned a TON.
How tall are you?
Do you wear Vibrams?
Why yes, I do! They are perfect for my Schwinn. That's why I put pictures of them up all of the time. I wear the Sprint currently but am thinking of grabbing an original pair soon!
You talk about cancer a lot - do you have cancer?
I currently have cervical cancer but it will soon be removed via hysterectomy so no worries. It's one of the things that inspired me to get up and get healthy with my eating - I want to be healthy for my surgery ... and for the rest of my life!
How old are you?
Are you and L married?
We're engaged and 100% devoted to each other, but we have no wedding plans right now. We're just navigating life right now, and we're so happy together. He truly is the biggest gift that has ever come into my life. :)
See? He goes along with my silly schemes!
More to come!