Thursday, March 03, 2011

Getting Out and Stinky Critters

Sometimes I just have to take myself out of the house, as I've mentioned. It can be on a drive, to "window shop," to visit my mom at her work, or other things like that. I confess that I often want to do things with L when he comes home after a day of work, but he usually wants to just chill or take a nap. I respect that, but sometimes I admit that it frustrates me too, and I have to just suck up my pride, put on some cute clothes, jump in the car, and get myself out at night. And seriously, an hour or two out by myself always improves my mood - I come home feeling better!

I cannot rely on L or anyone else to improve my mood, you see. I have learned that I am responsible for it, although sometimes L or other people do help me. Unfortunately others in my family have issues with this very premise, ya'll. I see it all of the time, and it's terrible on both the person who blames others on their mood (and yes, other people can affect a person's mood ... but what I'm trying to say here is that you can take yourself out of the house or you can do things that try to help yourself ... it's not someone else's responsibility to do those things for you if you're a grown up!).

Now here's an argument that some could make: what if a person is too ill to help themselves? Yep, I'll agree. People are absolutely out there who cannot help themselves. It's an individual situation thing. But in my situation, with my illness, I can help myself. I chose to help myself although I know I could get trapped into the thinking that I am unable to help myself very easily, blame others. It's a big mental game.

Ok, the point is that I started to feel cooped up because L went to sleep when we were supposed to go look at doors today (for the third day in a row -  he works hard and gets tired, it's life). I decided I had to get out of the house and so I took myself to Target. It helped a ton just to get myself out. I even bought myself a new hairband.

I came home, had an unnecessary snack of a piece of toast and the rest of my avocado and also a mug of dessert tea.

I have never had dessert tea before. This one is chocolate mint. I added milk and truvia ... and the taste is divine! Perfect for a nightly snack! Highly recommended!

And of course, here's a shot of my adorable new hairband. It was $9.99. A steal for cuteness.

And the second I got home, the pups began to play fight ...

And play fight ...

And play fight!

They love having an audience! Both of them totally stink, by the way. I'm not sure how we're going to bathe Zoe eventually - she can fit into the bathtub now, but when she's fully grown, I fear we'll have to just use the hose!

~ M

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