Thursday, February 24, 2011

In Theory

In theory, my camera is supposed to do all this cool stuff - I mean, it's no canon. But it did cost me $200 so it's apparently no slouch. But in reality, I can't figure it out at all so my pictures turn out looking like a five year old took most of them (I take a ton of them and pick the best for the blog) - it literally took me half a year to figure out the 10 second "portrait feature" and the "turn off the flash" (just kidding ... sorta).

I'd love a big nice camera like a canon with fancy expensive lenses sometime - I do love taking pictures, ya'll! But I'm afraid that L would be the one using it ... because I'd be sitting there scratching my head like a moron for I'm am not the technologically savvy one. This one time my computer was black, see. I screamed at L "FIX IT!!!! IT'S BROKEN!" He just looked at me and pressed the "on" button ... yeah.

Breakfast: the super food of super foods. Only today I am out of granola (more on this below) so I topped with almonds, extra chia, almond butter, and a dollop of yogurt. It sounds a little strange, but I like a little cool yogurt on my piping hot oatmeal for a little variety sometimes.

I am out of granola which brings me to a point - shopping. I often try to be "too thrifty" when I go shopping under the guise that I'm saving money. See, I like getting to the checkout counter with as little as possible so I can feel good about myself (and so I can spend more on clothes at Anthropologie .... ugh that's a habit I'm trying to curb too ... damn them and their cute clothes). BUT internetz, here's the thing - I need to realize that with FOODSTUFFS, I'm just going to run out sooner, say "OOPS I've RUN OUT and MUST go to the store SOONER."  And if there's a bulk deal, I should buy the bulk deal because it'll save me more $$. 

I need to practice going to the store and loading up for more than a WEEK. Don't laugh. I often hit the store two or three times a week because I just don't get enough stuff. It's a fault of mine that I've had since college because I try to be such a tightwad in that respect .... but that's not the right way to be a tightwad. I iz doing it wrong. I should be a tightwad on stupid things, like clothing (which I am not).

~ M

P.S. When we ate at Jason's Deli, my mom asked why I was photographing my food. I said "I have a food blog to keep account of what I'm eating." I think she was a little "whatever" .... but this is a big deal. I'm trying to hold myself accountable, to SEE what I put into my body ... you know ... after 10ish years of letting myself gorge and purge without any self-responsibility. Yes, Mom, I am proud of what I am doing. I'm teaching myself something important.

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