Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chipper Poudings

Ah construction. It's been waking me up precisely at 8:00 a.m. for the past few weeks - the lot next to our house is finally getting a new house on it. Despite the loudness and the parked cars everywhere (plus me telling the construction workers to please stay off our lawn while they are eating lunch kthx), I am really glad that it's finally being built - I've been dreading it for the past half a year and just want it to be done!

The builders are honestly pretty fast. Houses have been going up like flies around here (dumb way to put it, but it's true!) so I have confidence that this one will be done soon!

Breakfast today was coffee (I almost poured myself a second cup but decided that I don't need the caffeine) and oatmeal.

I made a smaller and less runny batch today - I must say that I kinda love sticky oatmeal! This is about 1/3 C oats, 3/4 C soymilk, a whole banana. I almost forgot the wheatberries today and added them after the oatmeal was almost done, but they're already cooked and tasted fine (I just spooned some in - no exact measurement). Salt, nutmeg, cinnamon. :)

Can we talk about something that people definitely don't discuss much? It's been on my mind to write about this at some point, and I guess I'll do it today!

Bowel movements.

 *I has them now.* Very regularly. I started having them back in December or so ... it took several months for my body to get back into a correct bowel-situation. But for years, I didn't have regular bowel movements. I had terrible hemerroids, diarrhea, I wouldn't crap for a week ... just all around irregular junk. I didn't recognize that I was supposed to have a bowel movement often and rather regularly AT ALL. But now I am so happy to be regular. I hit the john every morning at the same time. Because MY BODY TELLS ME TO! I know this is a weird thing to be proud of, ya'll. But I am. It's rather amazing to me after not knowing what's going on in my body, after being at odds with it. I'm getting in sync.

~ M

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